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August 27, 2012
  Town of Princeton, MA
August 27, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 5:01 PM in the Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY13 Warrant #3

The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.


Stan moved to accept the minutes of Aug. 13, 2012.  Neil seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Old Business

Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project   It was noted that windows have been replaced; some work remains. Mandatory test of roof is required that includes infrared test gauging interior/exterior temperatures. The louver project is proceeding and the skylight is being priced out. John L. reported on reimbursement figures that school district has received from state, and that actual payments come within 20-35 days. A report on PCBs at T.P. School has been submitted to the EPA; after approval, work will proceed. Although the building is below the EPA standard for PCB levels, epoxy sealing at doors and windows may be necessary. Work can proceed when students are out and temperatures allow.

Assessor seat    Assessors still need someone to replace John Lampher on the board, to serve until May 2013 election.

Animal Inspector Appointments   After some explanation about the position having two distinct responsibilities--rabies issues and barn inspections—and report statute allows more than one person in the job, Stan M. made motion to appoint Louis Massa and Greg Dowdy for terms until April 30, 2013, effective immediately. Mr. Massa can deal with rabies problems. It was noted that the BOH receives revenue from rabies inoculations. The motion was approved all-in-favor.

Election Officer Appointment      Board voted all in favor to appoint Roberta J. Smolin, 149-E  Beaman Road

New Business

Townwide Yard Sale    A townwide yard sale is being organized Sept. 29 from 8 a.m.-2 the First Congregational Church. Request received for use of Town Common and Mechanics Hall; John L. to act as agent for temporary signage. Phil Mighdoll from Friends of Mechanics Hall requested use of that site for the yard sale. Board voted all-in-favor to allow use of common and authorize Friends of Mechanics Hall to use that site for the day.

Candidates for Assistant Position  John L. and Jim Dunbar interviewed six candidates for assistant-to-treasurer/collector position and are finishing reference checks for one or two finalists. Selectmen are the appointing authority and they voted all-in-favor to authorize John L. to offer the position to the candidate ultimately chosen.

Recognition for Connors   Board received a notice from Jane Weisman, chair, Trustees of the Goodnow Memorial Building, that the Trustees are very pleased with the work of Phil Connors, citing that he is very skilled and has taken the initiative on maintenance improvements.

Scheduled Meetings & Hearings

Middle School Enrollment   The committees for the Wachusett Regional School District and the Thomas Prince Middle School Enrollment Study were in attendance including WRSD members Michelle Scibarrasi, Robert Imber. TPMSESC included Chairman Larry Pistrang, Toryn Bright  & Dawn Sulmasy. Also, from WRSD Audit Advisory Board was Phil Mighdoll.

Robert I. reported a list of items cut from school budget at requested of superintendent. Discussion ensued regarding a forensic audit to be done in phases; the funds to do it have been appropriated. Phil described it as an internal forecasting exercise, being done because of lapses in forecasting in two previous FY budgets. The forensic audit will go through FY ’12 & ’13. Stan M. described it as a “management” audit and not  “financial” audit, as nothing fraudulent was discovered.

Neil S. asked about status of Supt. Pandiscio. The school committee will vote on his resignation announcement on Sept. 10 and the committee is still searching for a business manager.

In relation to the Enrollment Study Committee, Stan M. described how telecommunication upgrades in town may help schools and attract students and reported on the Mass Broadband Initiative and the progress being made in Princeton with fiber-optic infrastructure.  Committee members suggested looking at the action items in their report. It was also noted that the school district already has a policy on telecommunications. Middle school population of 40 Princeton students [in grades 6-8] and little promise of school-age population growing in town, the challenge is keeping Thomas Prince viable and filling seats.

Much discussion about Chapter 70 funds and strategies for dealing with regional agreement, which is reviewed every five years, with idea of K-8 backing out of WRSD and reverting to locally-run “school union” system. In summary, the Enrollment Committee needs to know if the goal will be to bring in more students from surrounding communities, or do whatever else it takes to keep TP open with middle school viable.

Executive Session

The meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

John Lebeaux
Town Administrator

Referenced Documents:
WSJ opinion piece
Animal inspector appointment statute
Town Clerk request for election appointment
Administrator’s memo 8-24-12
Selectmen’s minutes 8-13-12
Commendation for Phil Connors
Town Wide Yard Sale